Saturday, June 26, 2010

Completely Unable to Relate.

Poem of the Day:
Michael Ryan's "Tutelary"
Poetry Magazine, April 2004


What a fuckup you are.
What dumbshit you do.
Your father's voice
still whispers in you,

despite the joys
that sweeten each day.
Your Genius it isn't
until, dying away,

it worms back through
the sparkling dream
where you drown him
in an inch-deep stream:

your knee in his back,
your strength on his skull,
it begins singing
praise for your skill.

My day, my present, my past and most undoubtedly my future is not empathetic to this poem. After numerous readings I wonder what a father must have done to his son to bring about such a written piece; my father has been the impetus of many writing projects, but always in a light of admiration.

For once the sheen of a poem does not shine in my personal life. For this I am thankful.

A Poem A Day Audrey


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